Thursday, May 19, 2011

Some Parents Should be Shot

SAN FRANCISCO, May 16 (UPI) -- San Francisco officials have separated a mother from her 8-year-old daughter after she revealed she injected the girl with Botox, ABC News reported Monday.

ABC said it was told by a person with knowledge of the situation the child was doing well but provided no other information.

The San Francisco Human Services Agency began an investigation into Kerry Campbell after she said during an appearance with her daughter Britney on "Good Morning America" last week that she injected botox into her face multiple times to help her in beauty pageants.

"It's pretty unusual for a mom to be injecting an 8-year-old with Botox and certainly is grounds for an investigation," the agency's Trent Rohrer said Friday.

While offering that the injections hurt, Britney said she doesn't "think wrinkles are nice on little girls."

Her mother, a part-time aesthetician who has given herself the injections as well, said she did not believe she was endangering Britney's health.

"It's safe," she said.

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